Veterans Addendum to the Catalog


Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis will permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE

Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs.


For these students, program attendance will betaken daily and reviewed at the beginning of every calendar month. Students using VA Educational Benefits failing to attend the 80% minimum cumulative attendance rate requirement (based on scheduled hours) will be put on attendance probation for 30 days and the VA will be notified of this action. The student will be immediately notified via email of their probationary status, as well as what’s required to regain good-standing. A copy of this email notification will be kept in the student’s file.

VA educational benefits will be terminated if the student does not meet the 80% minimum cumulative attendance requirement by the end of the probationary period. Upon an approved written appeal submitted by the student they will be readmitted to their program on probationary status. The appeal must provide the reason for the prior poor attendance and what has happened to eliminate a re-occurrence of the problem. The school will rule on the appeal within five business days. Only one appeal is permitted per student per program. Students that do not reach the 80% minimum cumulative attendance rate by the end of the new 30 day Probation Period will be withdrawn from the program and not permitted to re-enter and a report will be submitted to VA to terminate their VA Educational Benefits.

Any student not maintaining the 80% cumulative attendance standard will be placed on academic probation for 30 days, during which time every effort will be made to help the student meet the attendance requirements. The VA will be notified of attendance probation status.

If a student is absent for 14 (or more) consecutive calendar days without prior approval they will be withdrawn from the program and a report submitted to VA to terminate their VA Educational Benefits.

NOTE: If it is mathematically impossible for a student to make-up enough hours to complete their program by the end of the maximum time frame reported to VA they will be withdrawn from the program and a report will be submitted to VA to terminate their VA Educational Benefits.


Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis offers make up hours for students who need to make up missed time. Students may begin attending make up hours after the Core and Protégé Programs are completed. Students attending make up time may not exceed 100% attendance overall. Please contact the Future Professional Advisors for more information and approval.

Students are allowed up to a maximum of 10 hours per day and not to exceed 50 hours per week according to Indiana state regulation.

Full and Part time students can make up hours upon approval Monday - Saturday between normal business and class hours.

In case student misses scheduled make up hours, future make up hours would need additional approval by Director.

Students must complete a Future Professional Make-Up Request Form indicating the date, time, activity completed, and the name of the Learning Leader who supervised the make-up time.

Note: VA will not pay for make-up hours required due to absences. Students must pay out-of-pocket for any make-up hours after the end of the program enrollment period reported to VA.


These students, like all other students, are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress and to maintain and grade average of 70%. Any student using VA Educational Benefits that is not maintaining an average of 70% will be placed on academic probation for 30 days and the VA will be notified of this action. While on academic probation every effort will be made to help the student meet the minimum grade requirements. If satisfactory progress cannot be achieved after this period the student will suspended and VA education benefits terminated.


A student may be put on probation for other than academic and/or attendance reasons. Failure to comply with any of the school policies or regulations and/or abuse of equipment, etc., as outlined in the catalog, will result in the student being suspended and VA education benefits will be immediately terminated. Program re-enrollment will be at the discretion of the school administration and per school policies, as outlined in this catalog.


This does not apply at Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis.


For students using VA Educational Benefits their academic progress will be reviewed at the beginning of every calendar month. Students using VA Educational Benefits who do not maintain satisfactory academic progress will be placed on academic probation for 30 days and the VA will be notified of this action. While on academic probation every effort will be made to help the student meet the minimum grade requirements. VA education benefits will be terminated if the student does not meet minimum academic progress standards at the end of the probationary period and be withdrawn from their program.


Due to the nature of the training at this school, it is unlikely that any previous education or training will be granted. However, students using VA Educational Benefits are required to submit all previous training and study to Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis at the time of application but no later than the end of their first month. The school is required by VA regulations to evaluate all prior training and grant transfer credit, if appropriate. All veteran beneficiaries will clearly indicate indicate by signing/initialing the school’s internal evaluation report if appropriate credit has been granted upon completion of the school’s formal evaluation. Both previous education and training transcripts from previously attended schools and veteran military transcripts (JST’s, CCAF transcripts, VMET’s, etc.) must be provided for evaluation within 30 days of program enrollment. VA Educational Benefit termination certifications will be submitted if these documents are not provided within 30 days of enrollment.

Students with previous Cosmetology study (whether at another Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis facility or another school entirely) must provide these records for evaluation. If awarded any transfer hours the student’s program will be shortened and tuition and fees adjusted accordingly.


A Leave of Absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a Student’s program of study. LOA refers to the specific time period during an ongoing program when a Student is not in academic attendance. Leaves of Absence will be granted in the case of pregnancy or new mothers. A leave of absence will be permitted with a letter from the student’s doctor. If a student is called into active duty for the military the school will grant a leave of absence. These are the only times leave of absences are granted.

In order to be placed on Leave of Absence, the Student must:

  1. Complete and sign the school’s Leave of Absence Request Form in advance, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so.
  2. Must state the reason for the Leave of Absence (LOA) request
  3. Be approved by the Financial Services Office and Future Professional Advisor
  4. Leaves must be a minimum of 14 days and must not exceed a total of 180 days in a 12-month period.

A student on a leave of absence date of withdrawal determination shall be the earlier of the scheduled date of return from the leave of absence or the date the student notifies the school that the student will not be returning. A leave of absence will extend the student’s contract period and maximum time frame by the same number of days taken in the leave of absence.

Student’s may not arbitrarily decide to “take” a leave of absence.

There will be no additional charges for a LOA. If the student fails to return or contact the School Financial Services Leader on the documented return date, the Student will be considered to have withdrawn from school as of that date the student began the LOA. The withdrawal date for the purpose of calculating a refund is always the student’s last day of attendance.

For federal aid recipients, the Student’s payment period is suspended during the LOA and no federal financial aid will be disbursed to Student while on a Leave of Absence. Upon the Student’s return, the Student will resume the same payment period and coursework and will not be eligible for additional Title IV aid until the payment period has been completed. If the Student is a Title IV loan recipient, the Student will be informed of the effects that the student’s failure to return from a leave may have on the Student’s loan repayment terms, including the expiration of the Student’s grace period. A contract addendum will be completed upon return from the LOA to extend the contract end date by the applicable number of days.

In special circumstances, the school may grant a leave of absence to a student in the case of an emergency, such as a car accident or other medical issue that would prevent the student from requesting the leave of absence prior to the incident occurring. In these cases, the school will collect the request from the student at a later date and document the reason for the granting of the leave after the incident has occurred. The beginning date of the leave of absence will be based on the first date it has been determined that the student cannot come to class due to the accident or medical situation.

In order to grant a Leave of Absence there must be the expectation that the student will be returning to school.

A student who is granted a LOA that meets these criteria is not considered to have withdrawn and no refund calculation is required at that time.

Changes to the contract period on the enrollment agreement must be initialed by all parties or an addendum must be signed and dated by all parties to reflect the new contract end date.

VA education benefits will be terminated while the student is on any leave of absence (LOA) period.